2nd Round of Edits Received

Cara has returned my manuscript after her 2nd round of edits, along with notes for my query letter. Progress is being made! Hi Sean! I’ve got your edits here, and I think this manuscript is even stronger and it was already in very good shape. I’ve offered some suggestions in track changes. Go ahead and…

New SeanRedenbaugh website complete!

This post is obviously unnecessary, since you are here and reading this – you are obviously aware of the new website. But if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to post it anyways. It was time for a re-vamp of seanredenbaugh.com, and I think this new website is exactly what I’ve been wanting.…


There’s something I have lost Something from the past And something I have missed Throughout the years that passed I can’t recall its name I can’t recall its place But the emptiness is real Beneath the smile on this face And in its absence I pretend Though the mask is wearing thin Yet without it…

No Longer

When the apple tree has gifted all its fruit And stands among the forest stark and dim No longer will the sparrow in commute Stop to rest upon its barren limbs When the pomegranate shares away its seed And has no more to offer to the lark No longer will the weary stop to feed…