Radio Interview Link

Episode #9 – Evansville Local Author Series: Well, I had the interview today with Lanea Stagg. I feel like I might have been a bit boring, and wish I could have a do-over, but Amanda said it was fine. I really appreciate Lanea taking her time to include me in this series. I was the…

BlogTalk Radio Interview

So next Tuesday, July 26th, I will be interviewed by Lanea Stagg, of Rockblocks. She is the Author and host of a radio show about music and books and more. You can find out more about her here: Here is the link to the blog about me: Here is the link to the…

Evansville Living Magazine

Evansville Living has included Sunlight Parted in the Shelf Life section of their latest magazine! Pick up a copy of the July/August issue with the red barn on it today! If you want a copy of my book check out or or or any other online retailer. Locally they are available…